Joystick rudder/twist

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Noel Shourai
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun 14 Feb, 2021 2:06 am

Joystick rudder/twist

Post by Noel Shourai »


DOSbox supports rudder pedals through certain joystick modes (joysticktype=4axis usually) in games that have the functionality for it. Is there a way to get PCem to read an additional fourth axis from a controller as rudder pedals/joystick twist function within the virtual machine? If not, is it possible to implement this? I know that it is possible to add a controller with rudder pedals within Windows 98, but I haven't found a way to bind the fourth axis required to actually make use of it.
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Re: Joystick rudder/twist

Post by shermanp »

Having a quick look at the code, it might be possible to add a 4-axis 4-button joystick. How Windows would see it though, I'm not sure. That would give you x/y, throttle, twist. But only 4 buttons and no POV/Hat switch is a bitter pill to swallow :(

To get more from a gameport based joystick, one would probably need to emulate one of the weird 'digital over gameport' joysticks such as something from the Microsoft Sidewinder range. PCem already emulates a Sidewinder pad, but alas, that has no analog inputs so... I've looked into how to implement something like the Sidewinder Precision Pro (because that was my first joystick, and I have one today), but all the timing and protocol stuff is a bit beyond me I'm afraid. Sidewinders were not simple, although one could probably use the sidewinder driver code in the Linux kernel as a basis on which to implement something.
Noel Shourai
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun 14 Feb, 2021 2:06 am

Re: Joystick rudder/twist

Post by Noel Shourai »

While we are on this topic, is it also possible to implement binding multiple devices to a single joystick device? Normally the only way I have been able to do this with games that can only detect one joystick at a time is using a combination of vJoy and Universal Control Remapper and then passing vJoy through to PCem's joystick, (or similar with other games that can only use one joystick at a time) but I would rather not have to rely vJoy just to bind and use multiple controllers. (Causes strange device-related issues to happen, etc.)

As an example, I mentioned rudder pedals earlier; I have a HOTAS and rudder pedals as three separate devices, not registered as a single device. DCS World accepts input from all three of them, but older games (i.e. Windows 95/DOS flightsims, etc.) will only recognize the first controller detected, or the preferred joystick.
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