[2018-02-13: Update instructions on compiling PCem after update...
[2018-02-14: Added autoreconf into the mix. Should hopefully make to process more robust.
Thanks to darksabre76, compiling PCem in MSYS2 has gotten even easier than it was before. I now present to you the September 2020 edition of this guide.
Download and install MSYS2
Download MSYS2 from http://www.msys2.org/. I686 or x86_64 doesn't matter. Install it.
For the rest of this guide, I will refer to the installation directory of MSYS2 (eg: C:\msys64) as <msys>
When the install finishes, it should open the MSYS2 MSYS shell. We next need to update our MSYS2 installation by typing the following in the shell:
Code: Select all
$ pacman -Syuu
You will be asked to close the terminal without exiting. Just click the x at the window corner, and wait till it crashes
From the start menu, search for MSYS, and select MSYS2 MSYS. Run the previous pacman command again:
Code: Select all
$ pacman -Syuu
Install prerequisites
From the MSYS2 MSYS shell, type the following to install the mingw-w64 32 bit toolchain, base-devel (for autotools such as autoreconf), mercurial (used to download PCem later), and unzip:
Code: Select all
$ pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-toolchain base-devel git unzip
Next, we install the PCem dependencies OpenAL, SDL2 and wxWidgets:
Code: Select all
$ pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-SDL2 mingw-w64-i686-openal mingw-w64-i686-wxWidgets
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$ wget https://nmap.org/npcap/dist/npcap-sdk-1.05.zip
$ unzip -d npcap-sdk-1.05/ npcap-sdk-1.05.zip
$ cd npcap-sdk-1.05
$ cp -r Include/* /mingw32/include/
$ cp -r Lib/* /mingw32/lib/
For pcap networking to work, download the Npcap installer from https://nmap.org/npcap/
Install Npcap. Ensure to check the "Install Npcap in WinPcap API-compatible Mode" checkbox during the installation process.
Prepare and Compile PCem
Open the MSYS2 MinGW 32-bit shell from the start menu. Note, do NOT use the "MSYS2 MSYS" shell for the rest of this guide, it won't work!
Download PCem from bitbucket using mercurial:
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$ git clone https://github.com/sarah-walker-pcem/pcem
$ cd pcem
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$ autoreconf -i
$ ./configure --enable-networking --enable-release-build
$ mingw32-make -j
Post Compilation Steps
Create a pcem runtime directory structure with configs, nvr, roms and screenshot folders. Populate roms folder etc.
If they exist, delete all current exe and dll files
Alternatively, the parent pcem directory contains the required directory structure.
Copy the newly compiled pcem.exe file into this directory
Also copy the following libraries from the <msys>\mingw32\bin directory:
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all wx*.dll files
dreamer suggests that liblzma-5.dll may also be required.
Recompiling after updated revisions
From the MSYS2 MinGW 32-bit shell:
Code: Select all
$ cd ~/pcem
$ mingw32-make clean
$ hg pull && hg update default
$ autoreconf -i
$ ./configure --enable-networking --enable-release-build
$ mingw32-make -j