New here, just discovered PCem two days ago with LTT YT channel. As a Linux user since 20 years now with Linux as my main home computer since 15 years, I first installed the Linux #17 version.
My first try is a #[Slot 1] Gygabyte GA-686BX" Pentium II/233 with128 MB". I can't make PCem use more the 8 MB on this virtual machine. I read on this forum that some older machines with older bios can't recognize more than 32MB or 64MB, but this one **should** be able to use more than 8MB. But the bios only see 8MB. When I stop the Machine, the "mem_size" in .cfg file is changed to 8192.
As I keep a dual-boot computer with Windows only for games that don't run properly on Linux, I decided to try PCem 17 on Windows. To be sure to compare the same setup, I did not created a new Machine, I copied the whole ".pcem" folder with roms, hard disks and used that. I just edited the path to .vhd, set the memory to 128MB and "alleluia", 128MB is "seen" by the bios and not reset to 8MB when the Machine stops.
My question is, should I use the Windows version rather than the Linux version because there are a lot of bugs like that in the Linux version?