Yesterday, all of a sudden PCem V17 no longer wants to talk to my PC. I can't hear any sound and Windows mixer sees no audio coming from PCem, though I have that application slider maxed out and the sound in the emulator window is at +18. This happened when I started up one of the new games I had installed. Here's the skinny, ya'll.
Host Machine:
Ryzen 7 5800 8-Core
Windows 10 Pro x64 Build: 19045
GeForce RTX 2060 Super 8GB
Socket 7 Shuttle-HOT-557
Intel Pentium MMX 233
ATI Graphics Pro Turbo (Mach64 GX)
Voodoo 2
3.5" 1.44
PCemCD [48x]
MS Intellimouse
No Network
No Joystick
Windows 98SE
Sound was working yesterday, and had been working for weeks. Yesterday, I installed some older video games from my desk junk drawer:
Black & White
Black & White 2
Darkseed 2
Caesar 3
Titanic: Adventure out of Time
I attempted to spin up the game Black & White and there was no sound at all. There were also no errors, either. The Windows 98SE box thought there was sound and was playing sound, but the host PC was not hearing it. I started to poke around and went to Control Panel>Sounds in Win98 and tried to play a system sound. When I clicked the >, the yellow speaker icon in the tray disappeared. I rebooted and never got sound again or speaker on that emulated machine. I went to the device manager and SB16 had just disappeared. So, I did the "device search juggle" and nothing was found. I rebooted. No sound hardware. I reconfigured the machine and the same. I tried to install another sound card and the hardware was not found. So, I trashed that image and rebuilt the same config and no sound hardware in device manager. I could not install drivers for missing hardware, either. I uninstalled/removed PCem folder and downloaded a fresh copy. I built some machines (see below notes) and got sound devices to show up and play, but no sound is being passed to the host computer from PCem. I tested 86Box with the same config and sound does work, but the performance of 86Box is only about 80% of what I get with PCem. I have checked the host computer and have sound on all channels in the volume mixer. PCEM is maxed out on application volume (and not muted). See image attachments.
I attempted, after closing and restarting PCem between builds, over 9 hours of builds over two days, many different configs. here are some I kept record of:
Slot 1 Gigabyte GA-686BX with Intel PII/266 with same remaining hardware above, but when the emulated computer reboots it closes to a 1/2 to 1/4 size black box and PCem freezes. I can kill the session and it might boot back up normally or boot to a small black box, forcing another kill. T'aint worth it.
I also built:
Super 7 FIC VA-503+ with Intel P MMX/233 and K6-2/266 and /300-AFR-66 with same remaining hardware above. I never got anywhere because on reboot or shutdown, Win98 would just freeze up on shutdown, forcing a kill.
I also tried: Socket 7 Asus P/I-P55T2P4 and P/I-P55TVP4 with Intel and AMD (various chips) with same above hardware (in various configurations with different CPUs) with same results. Windows 98SE shows sound is playing, but the host will not hear it.